Writing Workshops with Shannon


Retreat in the beautiful mountains of Steiermark, Austria

Writing and meditation may sound sedentary, but it’s not the way I teach it. We’ll begin everyday with a movement meditation (Feldenkrais- Awareness Through Movement). We’ll also do walking meditation in the woods as well as sitting meditation outdoors with concentrations directly applicable to our writing.
In this workshop we’ll explore the connections between writing and meditation. You’ll learn to:
– Sharpen your senses
– Maintain physical presence while writing
– Cultivate deep listening
– Develop awareness for rhythm and sound in your work
– Create texts that are born of the unpredictability of the moment
– Experience freedom from inner censorship

Languages: The workshop will be taught in German and English, as needed. You are free to write in any language you wish.


Hotel Landsitz Pichlschloss in Steiermark, Austria

The Pichlschloss is located within the nature reserve of Zirbitzkogel-Grebenzen. Forest bathing, hikes, swimming are all possible and actively supported by Pichlschloss. The nearest town is Neumarkt.

For more information, prices, registration, please visit pichlschloss.at

The gorgeous nature around the Pichlschloss, organic meals prepared with care, and the kindness of Frau Heindl and her staff are truly nourishment for the soul. We’re confident that the retreats will be able to take place as planned. The number of participants is limited to 10 to allow for plenty of space, and we will spend a lot of time outdoors.


Registration closes two weeks before the start of the workshop.
As the number of participants is limited, we recommend early registration!

For questions regarding the content of the seminar please contact Shannon directly: info@shannonsullivan.de

For questions about the location, travel arrangements, etc. please contact Pichlschloss directly: info@pichlschloss.at

Download the 2022 brochure of the workshop (PDF, in German)

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