the story written on the butterfly’s tongue

– poetry concert –

the story written on the butterfly’s tongue is a long poem set to music, comprised of 13 thematically woven interconnected texts which could also be seen as monologues, each with its own musical dynamic and kaleidoscopic view point. Each poem song differs thematically, emotionally, vocally, rhythmically – together they build a cohesive whole.

Music in the traditional sense meets the music of language to tell a story – the story of freeing onself from the past, like a butterfly from its cocon. Dare to be seen, dare to be touched.

don’t let them
brush the dust from your wings
put you in a cage or a jar filled with ether
trap you in nets made of gazes or fingers
pin your wings to a styrofoam mattress
you can’t trust anyone
you have to get to the stars on your own


“Red in the Dark Hallway”

Excerpt (8 minutes) from “the story written on the butterfly’s tongue”, performed at “Haus für Poesie”, December 2017

Listen in:


Studio recording of the poem “Top”, with Bernd Oezsevim (drums) and Roman Babik (piano).


Studio recording of the poem “Thirteen”, with Bernd Oezsevim (drums), Roman Babik (piano) and Johannes Schleiermacher (synthesizer).

Short info about the piece

“the story written on the butterfly’s tongue”

Text, Performance: Shannon Sullivan

Guitar: André Matov

Drums: Bernd Oezsevim

Premiere: December 2, 2017, at “Haus für Poesie”, Berlin